Week 2

Hello again everyone; this is Luna, Neil and Finnán, back again to talk about the results of our prototypes thus far. This week our prototypes were based on the theme of "corrupted vision"; Luna's prototype involved a racing game with no barriers around the track and Neil's prototype explored changing the conventions of how a menu is expected to function. Finnán joined the group recently and didn't have an initial prototype to "corrupt", and so progressed normally, developing a prototype for a third person sword game.

The playtests of these prototypes turned up varied feedback, though the general reception was positive. For Luna's game, two consistent mentions were the player movement being drifty and the track being too small. Overall, the car's movement is too slippery and fast for players to make the tight turns involved in the track, and would benefit much more from either a smoother track layout or more drag on the car's turns. 
In terms of Neil's game, the menu was stated to be slightly lacking, and that it would likely be improved with more options to choose from. 
Regarding Finnán's game, the main points brought up were better hit registry, both for the player and the enemies, and an expansion on the mechanics involved. Implementing something like a dodge move would enhance the game experience, as would slowing down the enemies' attacks.

Next week, we plan to answer the questions of whether we can implement a timer in a natural way, how uniquely we can use a timer, and  

Our initial goals were to create a 2D top down racing game with drifting, and a third person sword combat game with lock-on.


Racing game prototype - drift steering.zip Play in browser
Oct 04, 2023